

What is it with me and my narcoleptic tendencies? Seriously! I think I have selective narcolepsy, triggered by anything that is work-related. You give me Bob Loblaw, and I'll give you Sleeping Beauty.

Now my head is buzzing because of too much sleeping
Just the day before, it was buzzing more
I didn't sleep then, like a good mother hen,
Who was laying her eggs in a nest for a test
But the merciless farmers want more.

That was an original and completely spontaneous composition, thank you very much! If you didn't like it, then rotten eggs to you, you hen! Buck-buck-buck! (Er, those were sound effects for a squawking hen, by the way.)

Enough of this sleeping! Diet Rockstar juice, you're going to save my day and make me pay! And we'll be rocking when the sun sleeps, when the moon wakes, and when the sun rises again! Party on!

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