
The Xootr Scooter

These days, I've been going around on a Fusion Asphalt. I bought it two years ago, and, since then, it's served me well. There was a time when I didn't use it at all, but I'm using it much more often now because I have to travel to my part-time office, which is slightly off-campus.

I've been thinking of what to do with with the Fusion Asphalt after I graduate, and I think I've come up with a good solution: I'll donate that and get another scooter for myself, this time a Xootr MG. When I was on the bus in Chicago last summer, I saw this office person riding it, and I remember thinking that it looked really cool. I'm really excited about this! I'm wondering whether to get the Xootr MG or the Xootr Roma. The Roma is more expensive because it's the lightest and most compact kind, but the Xootr MG has more panache. I think I'm sticking with the Xootr MG.

The Xootr MG is more than twice as expensive as the Fusion Asphalt, but I think the difference in price is well worth it. First, the Fusion Asphalt is more like a toy, while the Xootr MG is more like a legit commuter vehicle. For another, the Xootr MG has brakes and an apparently awesome engineering design. And most importantly, the Xootr MG actually looks like something I could ride to and from work in Chi-town.

I'm feeling pleased with myself. But the pleasure is quickly fading as I contemplate the money I used to have but don't have now. Ah, well. Let's think happy thoughts and leave those sad ones to themselves. Things will work out.

Xootr MG, see you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get the Roma or Venus. I'm a xootr fanatic and I have Venus, Roma, and Mg. The Mg is too wide. When you kick you only have one foot on the scooter at a time and the wide board of the Mg interferes with efficient kicking. It's also more unwieldy to carry.