Two more days to go, and I am 2/3 done with my legal education. Two more days, and I must be prepared to write about the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause. Time to start reviewing. If only I can get up from my bed right now.
I'd make the usual crack about me having narcolepsy, but I don't feel comfortable doing that anymore ever since seeing this video. So I will just say that I am somnolent right now. And more accurately, I am antukin and a batugan.
Still have grand plans for this blog. Have a lot of interesting obsessions to detail and also some highly charged issues to start debate on. But all of those plans will have to be delayed until after my last exam.
Well, am hopping in the shower now. And then after, well, Con Law II - you're it.
your last exam has passed. mine is to come. so, will you entertain me until then? updates, friend! post! post! post! btw, 'hope your first day went well. - friend in london
i'm in the midst of finals. update already! this friend needs procrastination tools. btw, 'hope you're loving chicago!
wow! you've been hopping from blog to another that i realised it's been a while since i read your stuff! oh well.
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