
Always Open Your Mail

Note to self and reminder to the world: always open your mail - even those you think is spam. The only kind of mail you may be justified in not opening are those that say Home Depot in front.

Had a major scare today, when I realized that my work card hadn't arrived yet. Contacted the office here, and the contact person was concerned because other cards, applications for which were filed later than mine, had already arrived. Was convinced the card was lost in the mail. Made plans to call the post office (which was closed, thankfully) and also to go to her office to begin the process of filing a statement for the lost card.

Caught sight of the post office box in my receipt. Remembered that one of the unopened envelopes I'd tossed aside some days ago was from there. Tore the non-marked white envelope open. Sure enough, my card was there, featuring me, in my pearled and expanded glory.

Thank you Lord that I don't throw my mail. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And St. Anthony, thank you for helping me find first the receipt and then the mail. St. Anthony's the bomb. He never fails. But St. Jude has a special place in my heart, just because my Granny is so fond of him.

I really was saved a lot of time and inconvenience there. I'm going to have my first final exam tomorrow, and then I have one on Tuesday and then on Friday.

Whew, disaster averted. Again: always open your mail. Or at least never throw it.

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