So I'm posting again. No more justifications or excuses - I feel like posting, and I will, and that's that. I've been violating the principle of legality, I realized - it's not a crime to blog and if the judge that is me says that it is, then I'm wrong and I should be estopped. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. I am nonsense personified (just like you, if you believe me). I miss those long stream-of-consciousness posts that I used to do before, but those just take too much time.
So let's talk about snow, really quickly now.
Newsflash: they do not plow the sidewalks. My goodness. Today, to get to the main street from my apartment, I had to either wade or stomp through snow that reached mid-calf. I don't have boots yet, so my feet were slipping all over the place. The pure and innocent-looking snow was trying to make me fall. As if I need any help in that area. I fall by myself all the time. I even have a scar on my right palm that I got about a hundred Mondays back, when I somehow dove to the ground while I was hobbling to my first class, which starts at the absolutely insane hour of eight o'clock. (How I suffer from the sins of men. Eight o'clock in the morning? Now that's harsh.) I didn't fall this morning, but I almost did, twice. And of course, the snow got its fair share of punyeta's and shit. And when I thought it couldn't get worse, the wind whipped snow in my face. I cursed the wind too, and I know it's going to get back at me sometime soon, so I'm bracing myself for that. But I'm safe and warm here, so I'm good, while the snow is outside, getting brown and gross, so it's not good, and that's good. What am I saying? Figure it out. I'm sure there's some profound wisdom behind that convoluted statement.
Okay, that's all. One test down, three more to go. And then the good times will roll.
Cokelover - Check your mail sometime this weekend.
Yes, boots would help. Now, as for your potty mouth, only God can save you! :) Just kidding! You entertain me, dear friend! Keep it up. - Chai
Haha! I just read your post and I laughed out loud. I'm in my room alone studying crim, so my roommate must think that (1) I think crime is funny; or (2) I'm crazy. I bet it's the latter.
- Cortaid
Chai: Yes, yes, I'll keep on entertaining you; you know that I can't refuse the pleas of a duck. ;)
Cortaid: Well, she'd be right, then, wouldn't she? :)
13 more minutes until I attack Torts. Torts, you do not stand a chance. I will slaughter you. You will die.
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