Neat: Everything that gets unpacked is packed right in.
Compact: Each character had a crucial role to fulfill.
Philosophical: Its subtle parallels to life welcome, if not demand, reflection.
I am capable of writing short posts.
Source of picture: www.allmovieportal.com
by the way, what is or who is Chameleon Sofia? =)
Chameleon Sofia's me. Hahaha, was the first (as far as I know) to string those two words together!
watch "the village". i expected it to be the usual monster horror film, but it was surprisingly multi-layered, and also has a lot of interesting psychological parallels to real life. :)
Jac: Yeah, I read an article on it! It was featured in the PDI. Apparently, the guy who did this film is the one who did Sixth Sense. I'm not sure if I want to watch it. You know naman I don't like horror! Regardless of how many layers it has! :))
sofia: i suppose it's weird commenting on another movie when this entry is about eternal sunshine, but anyway...
i almost didn't watch the village because it seemed like a generic horror film (monster attacks village, think alien/predator/friday the 13th, blablabla), then someone told me it was an amazing film, especially for him coz of his psych background. he also made kwento that he watched it alone pa and all, so i assumed it was an amazing horror film.
and since i love horror films (at times, at least...depends on my mood :) ) i decided to watch it. and yes there are scary parts, mostly creepy parts (m. night shyamalan is known for the creepy atmosphere without having to resort to lotsa shock factor), but not as scary as i expected. in fact, when i left the theater, i had to admit it wasn't what i expected at all. i didn't get scared out of my wits (which was what i expected), but i did get a lot of food for thought. it's a lot more psychological suspense/thriller and philosophical nuances than creepy/scary factor. :)
let me put it this way. you probably will scream once in a while, but even you should be able to sleep the night after you watch it. ;p
Jac - Call me a Michaelangelo scaredy-cat, but even the slightest possibility of getting scared will make me stay far, far away from any theater featuring this film. :)
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