
A New Beginning

Have been meaning to ressurect my online presence for some time now. Things have been happening in the world, and I find myself with an opinion on almost every single one of them. I usually blurt them out to my friends or else write them in my journal, but am thinking it's time to share some of those thoughts now. I cannot be selfish with my wisdom.

Got a private motive in that too, of course, quite apart from the warm feeling I get when I am of service to humanity. I am the most avid web surfer I know, and I come across the most interesting things in my online journeys. Will be dropping some bread crumbs as I go my way. I think they'd make for interesting reads.

And one other reason I did this now is to have a reprieve from law school. In the past two days, I have rid myself of four credits. That's two 20+ papers off my hands and into my prayers. And in just two weeks, it's time for finals again. Whoopee. Ah, school is always a good reason to vent. If my ranting doesn't sound appealing to you, just stick with me anyway, because in three weeks, I'm off to Chicago for to be wined and dined, big-time.

Well, this is all for now, folks. I have just spent the past hour or so revamping the site, and I'm ready to get out of here. One episode of Boston Legal and then it's off to bed for me.

OH. Before that, I just want to say that I've gone back to the original title, "Chameleon Sofia." Not the Gunner, not the Highlighter, not Light Metaphors. It's Chameleon Sofia again. If you want to know why, see Alpha.


Anonymous said...

Why are you Elli Mac? And why are you back on blogger?

CS said...

Ate Lala: Your clue for today is mirror. ;) See you in class tomorrow!