

I have a phone, I have a phone card, I'm ready to call, but the Philippines is asleep.

What a day. I started with light music - Hootie and the Blowfish, Goo Goo Dolls, Gin Blossoms, and John Mayer, got into pop - Kelly and Justin (Letters to Cleo, Marion Raven, and Lindsay Lohan would also have fitted my mood then), drifted into classical for a while, and then ended up with Linkin Park. Don't ask me why, please. I do not have time to speculate on one of the greatest mysteries of the universe.

If the trip to Manila took just five minutes, I would be very happy.

You guys have to see 2046. I watched it last Friday with friends from school. It's amazing. I want to write a screenplay like that one day. And I will.

Hay, enough. My journal is jealous because this blog is getting more and more personal. I guess I'll have to make some adjustments there. I'm thinking of turning this into a study aid. I think I'd have fun writing it that way, even if it won't be about me so much. That was, after all, the plan. But we'll see.

Next soundrack? Broadway, this time. Les Miserables. On my Own. Play

I capped this evening with a mass. The girl who led the choir had the clearest and strongest voice I have ever heard, and I felt like the Gospel had been written specifically for me. I'm calmer now and ready to face what I know will be a challenging week.

I love the Lord.


m said...

Trivia: I heard that Wong Kar-Wai (the director of 2046) actually didn't have a set script before and during filming; he wrote, rewrote, and improvised many parts of the movie along the way. Needless to say, a lot of people working on the movie with him weren't too pleased with his *style* (some actually quit). The movie still turned out well though. :)

Bobby said...

I love you too, Cams.

CS said...

Maf: Really? I got the impression that he planned every little detail of the film cause it all meshed so well. Surprising trivia. But I'm glad it turned out well anyway. Have you watched The Taxi Driver? Might watch that next.

Bobby: How blasphemous.

wonderspeller said...

cams: you should see in the mood for love too! additional trivia to what maf said--2046 took so much editing that the version they showed in cannes wasn't even the final cut. it's a reallygreat movie.

bob and cams: haha the whole god exchange made me snicker.

fabian said...

can I be blasphemous, too? about 2046 that is. it's the sort of movie that i like running in the background while hanging in my room. it just leaks atmosphere.

the move soundtrack is kick ass.

CS said...

Len: I know!! I have to see "In the Mood for Love" within the year. As good as 2046 or better? And re editing, wow, really?! Haha, now I'm so interested in how films are made and all.

Fab: I agree with everything you said. It' so funny because I was just looking up the soundtrack two days ago. The scene were "Siboney" started playing was fantastic.

I am such a fan of this movie!

Kit said...

i think it is wong kar wai's style not to have a fixated script for all his movie. he just hangs out and develops it at the set.

i have just seen In the Mood for Love last nite and it's great. funny how we are in a wong kar wai craze at the same time.

CS said...

Kit: If Wong's style is as you say it is, I have to say that I'm a bit surprised it works so well. But then again, different strokes for different folks. And, yes, great minds watch alike.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Canada is still awake if you are. Use your phone card for that next time! :D