
New Harry Potter Trailer

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trailer 2


G.V. said...

Cedric Diggory is sooooooo HOTTTT!!!!!!! I watched the trailer twice cause of him! =)

wonderspeller said...

wow wow wow!!!

i can't wait for the movie na!!!

and was it me lang ba, but thought i heard dumbledore say goldbatons instead of beauxbatons???

Angel said...

dan is so hot!!!

happy birthday dude!!! :) what are your plans for today? (okay, it's already oct 20 here, but i'm sure it's still your birthday there. hehe)

btw, thanks for the comment on my blog. go back there again, i posted some new pics after the rapelling. :)

CS said...

Gi: In his pictures, he's not that cute, but, yeah, he's hot in that trailer. :)

Len: It's you lang. :) Check Mugglenet out, they have more new trailers.

And thanks, Ange!