
The Resurrection

For the past how many weeks, this site has looked woefully abandoned. That's downright sad, especially since I promised myself I'd write something here every week. Oh well. Times change, and so must my blogging routine. If anyone's wondering, Chica Teasa is to blame.

* * *

I wouldn't say that I'm having a blast at work, but I wouldn't say that it's been a total drag either. My boss, who I spend most of my time with, is very easy to get along with. My co-workers, although I know little else besides their names, are nice enough. And the job itself can get interesting. This week, for instance, I went to three different households to conduct interviews. I felt like one of those reporters on TV. I had a cameraman with me and a tape recorder to boot. So yes, the job does have its perks.

But still, I am hoping and praying for more non-working national holidays.

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Not too long ago, my six-year-old cousin had a birthday party, and my sisters and I agreed to host it.

Because of that, I now know what Joseph Estrada was feeling when EDSA 2 happened. The young chimpanzees (a.k.a. cousin and friends) were howling, screeching, and chattering the whole time, all of them challenging me with fearless eyes and defiant expressions. Every move of theirs was meant to question my authority. Oh wait. Like Estrada, I never did have authority to begin with.

* * *

The party made me realize that I like kids. Specifically, I like listening to their questions. One of the better ones is this: when I was shouting instructions to the Statue Game, a young girl asked worriedly: "when we're statues, are we allowed to breathe?"

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The party experience got me thinking about my teaching days.

When I was a high school senior, I spent a week in Baguio as a teacher for second-grade students. I felt like a clown then, dancing and singing and twirling around in order to make the class pay the least bit of attention. One day, everything was going fine until a girl used me as an example of an adjective. She said "Ate Sofia is fat." "And you are ugly" was the sharp retort I came so close to saying. Ashamed as I am to admit it, I did not retaliate.

The world must forgive me for letting the human cockroach live.

* * *

When I don't feel old, I feel incredibly young.

One time, the Goddesses and I were in Powerplant to catch a movie. Since we had time to spare before the movie started, we decided to stop by Toy Kingdom.

I asked the salesman, "Do you have a Harry Potter wand?" He showed me where it was, and I delightedly played with it for a few minutes. After which, I asked "Do you have a Light Saber?" This time, I couldn't play with it because it was in a box. The next thing I know, the salesperson was running towards me, saying "Ma'm, here's a He-Man axe and a Ninja Turtles sword."

He grinned at me, I glared at him, and my friends did not even bother trying not to laugh.

* * *

Another day of work tomorrow. I cannot say that I am looking forward to it. If you do something for half a day almost every single day, you'll inevitably start wishing you could do something else.

Such is the case with me.


Anonymous said...

hahaha true true
work can be a tad bit boring as it becomes routine but isn't your job supposed to be exciting?
i have the same felling too hahaha
aside from FGDs what have you been doing?
grabe haven't seen you for a while cams

HANS V. said...

I agree; Chica Teasa should be blamed! Regarding that human cockroach, I must meet her. For her age, she's already incredibly smart, witty, and feisty! Anyways, welcome back and you should update every week!

Bobby said...

cams, welcome back!
where are you applying btw. i think i'll be taking a break next year and then applying for phd programs in december. i have no idea what i'll be doing during my 'break' year though or even where i'll be spending it. might be back in manila, might be here, might be in the states. who knows. all i know is that i want a break from academic work.

haha, im so envious of you. im really directionless right now!

wonderspeller said...

hahahaha classic. you asked for it kasi when you asked for the light saber. i think the salesman was just trying to be really good at his job by anticipating your next demands.

oxbridge was still wtf-wtf kaya! you know jess and i were 9th team on cambridge tab??? damn. and last year, wil and i were number 10!!! so we still didn't break!!!

i love that you say you'll quit once work gets the best of your beauty--one should never become beastly at the expense of eternal youth.

bob: hahaha i know what you mean!!! that s why i canned the ab-ma thing in ateneo besides the fact that it might end up being crappy. im sick f student life. will resurrect it when ennui hits again. oh well. but you make nerdifying look good. freaky pala--there's a new vj on myx who reminds me of you! but you're still better looking.

Jonathan said...

Hey, glad to have you back to blogging! I'm looking forward to more entries from you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

fabian said...

camillie, had taken you out my blog bookmark list.

don't worry about the long gaps, as long as you continue to update. i like reading your entries, long or short.

CS said...

Hi friends! Thanks for the warm welcome. It's great to be back. :)

Di: Take note that 'supposed to be' are the operative words. What else have I been doing? Lots of little nothings that justify my salary. And Di!!! Weren't we all going to watch Lester's Santa Santita together? :)

CL: You called the human cockroach 'smart, witty, and feisty'?! Uh, right. Well, okay, you're a human cockroach too. Hahaha! ;) And re the updating sched, well, my aim now is once every two weeks. We'll see about that, though.

Bob: Will let you know about my app details separately. So you'll be having a gap year next year. Should be interesting. Don't worry about having no idea about where to end up - I didn't either, and, well, I ended up somewhere okay. Hahaha! And yeah, I don't know which is worse - to have a direction and not to be heading there or to be directionless but to be heading somewhere 'grand' anyway.

Interesting. Just might write about this in my next post. :)

Lenlen: Do I look like a Ninja Turtle?! Hahaha! But yeah, I know what you mean. I wouldn't have minded, actually, if he'd given me Michaelangelo's weapon instead of Leonardo's.

Re Oxbridge, man, that super sucks! WTF-WTF na talaga yung theme song niyan! Hahaha! So who were there? Who won? Familiar faces? Good experience? Ayan, Lenlen, inspiration to get back at them at all in Worlds. ;)

Re eternal youth, yes, my sentiments exactly. And who's the new myx vj, by the way?

Jonathan: Haha, well, I'll definitely be keeping this thing, but the frequency of my updating is another matter altogether. And hope you had a nice Thanksgiving celebration! :)

Fab: Haha, thanks, thanks! And don't take my name out of your blog bookmark list. Whatever happens, I vow to McArthur myself every single time. :)

carl said...

this has been such a portentous week. three storms trying to wipe our country off the face of existence...and then i find that you've updated.

the world must be about to end.

well, if you do nothing all the time, you'd wish you were doing anything. anything.

m said...

Hey Cams! Gotta say--the Ninja Turtle Experience is just downright hilarious. :D

A lot of us seem to be experiencing the age crisis lately. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

camille! we have to go out SOON!!! I haven't had a real conversation with people outside my family for the longest time I'm afraid I'll forget all the stories and questions I have--just like in cafe breton but now it's about real life--career!!! aaah! will text you right after my last final on the 16th!


CS said...

Charlie: Glad that my entry added drama to that already portentous week. ;) And, I don't know, but I think that doing nothing just gets me more addicted to doing nothing instead of making me want to do something. Haha, but that's me.

Cathy: Don't be too sure about that. My appearance has been morphing lately. Think panda bear.

Maf: Haha, it's funny now, but I was pretty embarrassed when it was actually happening. And yes, a lot of us do seem to be experiencing the age crisis. Sigh. Well, I'm sure this isn't the first time any of us are going to be experiencing that. Here's to the many crises to come!

Crystal: Crystal!!! I'm sure I'm not the best person to talk to about your career. You know why! But yes, there are certain things that I look forward to talking to you about. You know what! Hahaha! I will await your text on the 16th. And good luck in your finals. :)

To the ADS people in Manila: I can't wait to be updated on all the latest happenings in the debate world! I feel that a whole book has been written in my absence! Er, actually, I've never been that present, but I am more absent now than ever before. Hahaha! See you guys. :)

To the ADS people not in Manila: Wish you here, friends. Seriously. For some reason, I find myself really missing the debating part of my life. As in! Am I being weird?

To the Goddesses: I am SOO looking forward to that Christmas dinner!!! So everyone better be there ha! Only valid excuse is if you're not in the Philippines. And even then, I think I'm being really charitable by letting you off. Hahaha! Until then! :)

Anonymous said...


Re potential stresstabs models: tsk tsk tsk... well, i guess it's better than being the next pampa... ;)

Re human cockroach: hahahahaha! what self-control! :D at the very least, since they never heard the response you were about to make, that means you kept up your veneer of maturity rather well. ;p

Re Toy Kingdom salesman: aw, i think you totally brightened up his day! ;) besides, you seemed so at home with the harry potter wand that i'm sure it was but natural that you try the he-man axe and the ninja turtles sword. maybe when your sched clears up, we can schedule a toy store visit/harry potter wand vs ninja turtle sword duel? those should last quite a bit longer than the mentos balloons we arnis'd with in the ateneo-la salle game, though they'll be a lot more expensive to replace if we do end up breaking them! ;)

From a Fellow Toy Store Goddess ;)