

I have finally gotten around to it.

For months now, I've been postponing setting up a blog. And after hiding behind every excuse in the world - some of them really good and believable, some of them not-so-good but plausible nonetheless - I've finally done it.

Well, setting a blog up is one thing; putting something interesting in it is another. I've done the former already; I intend to do the latter some other time. But because I don't want to end my first every entry with such nonsensical lines, what I will do now is explain the title of the blog.

I've called it Chameleon Sofia because this will contain my take, my own bit of wisdom, on anything I find interesting. And as I've got an interest in just about everything (some people call me fickle or unfocused for it, but I prefer to call myself the modern-day Leonardo da Vinci), this blog will definitely undergo chameleon-like transformations not so much in its form as in its matter.

You'll see what I mean soon enough.

1 comment:

HANS V. said...

Post some more entries! The first post is the easiest post but you need to go beyond that to really get into it. Change the layout also. just tweak certain stuff in the template and preview a lot. You'll get the hang of it. Go, write about anything and everything! Your public awaits...